The brilliance of lime!
For thousands of years lime has been used in construction, it has proven itself to be a superior and durable material.
Unlike cement, lime is breathable. This means it will allow moisture to escape out of walls - cement traps moisture, causing damp.
Using lime rather than cement will increase your property's thermal ability to retain heat, therefore saving you money on heating bills!
Choosing the correct type of lime for your property is crucial to its success. Here at Mr Landscapes we use the ONLY type of lime that has been proven for centuries! That's because we follow the same Roman recipes which have stood the test of time for thousands of years. From Rome's ancient colosseums through to majestic medieval cathedrals - the proof is in the pudding!
Lime has brilliant eco friendly properties. It is a carbon neutral product, so by the time it has cured in your walls it has absorbed the same amount of CO2 as it took to make! Cement, on the other hand, contributes to 8% of the global CO2 emissions!
Do it once, Do it right!
The majority of properties we attend have been maintained with incorrect methods and materials, causing damp and damage.
If you maintain your property with the correct methods and materials from the outset the work will last for years to come.